The highly anticipated One Piece live-action series has finally premiered, and fans are eager to share their thoughts on this ambitious adaptation. Here is my comprehensive...
I will recommend you to check these points cause watching anime provides many thing support , relaxation and many benefits of watching anime, Epic entertainment: Anime is...
In the world of anime, there is no shortage of unique and unconventional premises. One such series that has caught the attention of viewers is “Reborn...
10. IDOLiSH7 This series shows the trip of a girl trying to make it to the top by managing an uprising idol group. Tsumugi Takanashi joins...
Haikyū!! is a shōnen sports anime series adapted from the manga by Haruichi Furudate, and produced by ProductionI. G and Toho in confluence with the Japanese...
The story begins with the current state of Japanese football, the Japan Football Association decides to hire the enigmatic and eccentric coach Jinpachi Ego to pursue...
Synopsis A 14-year-old Iruma Suzuki was unlucky his entire life and, despite being underage, had to work to earn money for his irresponsible parents. One...
Synopsis Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur is the first part of the Doraemon feature film. It is an adaptation of the book of the same name by...
Synopsis One day, a beautiful woman named Aki (Atsuko Maeda) mysteriously dies. Sakura (Atsuko Maeda) appears before popular novelist Mizorogi and introduces herself as Aki’s twin...
My Stepmom’s Daughter Is My Ex is a romantic comedy light novel. This series written by Kyōsuke Kamishiro and illustrated by Takayaki. The series began in August 2017...