What’s the difference between Naruto and Naruto Shippuden? Naruto and Naruto Shippuden are two parts of the same anime series. Naruto focuses on the protagonist’s childhood...
Could Goku surpass Whis? While Goku possesses incredible potential and constantly pushes his limits, surpassing Whis seems highly unlikely. Angels like Whis exist on a higher...
What arc is after Egghead in One Piece? The next major arc following the Egghead Island Arc in One Piece is widely expected to be the...
In the monster-infested world of Kaiju No. 8, the Third Division of the Japanese Defense Force stands as a beacon of hope and resistance. This elite...
What is Zoro’s current power level in Egghead Arc? As of the Egghead Arc, Zoro’s power has ascended to near-Admiral level. His mastery of all three...
The Top 10: Powerhouses of the Omnitrix Swampfire: Combining the power of plants and fire, Swampfire boasts pyrokinesis, flight, and manipulation of vegetation. He can even...
How did the Bleach Manga end? The Bleach manga ended with Ichigo Kurosaki defeating Yhwach, the leader of the Quincy Wandenreich, thus ending the Thousand-Year Blood...
How old is Goku in every Dragon Ball anime series? Goku’s age varies throughout the Dragon Ball anime series. He starts as a child in Dragon...
The World of Kaiju: A Threat to Humanity In the gripping world of Kaiju No. 8, Japan faces an ongoing threat from monstrous creatures known as...
What are the different types of powers in Kaiju No. 8? Kaiju No. 8 features two main power systems: the innate abilities of Kaiju and the...