Yuji Itadori and Sukuna: A Symbiotic Rivalry In Jujutsu Kaisen, a dark fantasy manga masterpiece of Gege Akutami, the unlikely tandem of Yuji Itadori, a naïve...
You’re right, Enel is a fascinating enigma in the One Piece universe. His Sky Island exploits, mastery of the Goro Goro no Mi, and current whereabouts...
In the fantastical world of One Piece, Devil Fruits stand as coveted treasures, granting their consumers extraordinary powers that shape the course of their adventures. While...
Edward Newgate better known as Whitebeard was one of the first Yonkou (Four Emperors) of One Piece and the greatest rival of Goal D. Roger, the Pirate...
In the world of Attack on Titan If Eren Ate All 9 Titans?, he turns out to be a mighty person that would change this world...
These are the fruits that people have given the name after their action, and they are found in different places in the game. Each fruit provides...
One of the most curious mysteries of the One Piece universe is Blackbeard’s ability to own two Devil Fruits. Even though the official explanation on this...
Jiraiya was an incredible ninja who lived in the land of Hidden Leaf Village. He had been strong and popular, but he never became Hokage for...
In the turbulent sea of One Piece, where pirates and marines fight for power, there is hardly any question more gripping than – What if Luffy,...
The mangaka whose identity is yet to be revealed Gege Akutami has created a monster of anime and manga by the name Jujutsu Kaisen. The series...