This Thursday (23), Crunchyroll added the dubbed version of 13 Dragon Ball Z films to its catalog, as previously announced. The titles were already available in...
A Crunchyroll recently announced the airing time for the anime’s concluding episode Attack on Titan. The final chapter of the popular anime will arrive in the...
This Thursday (2), Crunchyroll announced Dub Thursday premieres in November and released the release schedule Thursdays. Check out the titles that will receive dubbing in Portuguese on...
This Friday (27), the Crunchyroll began making available the dubbed version of Frieren and the Journey to the Afterlife (Sousou after freezing) in your catalogue. The...
This Friday (27), the Crunchyroll began adding the dubbed version of the second season of Goblin Slayer in your catalogue. The studio Atma Entertainment is responsible...
Crunchyroll is a great App or Online platform for anime. It is fairly easy to use and offers lots of anime at no cost and also...
The third trailer for MAPPA’s Chainsaw Man adaptation offers manga fans everything they’ve come to expect, with a healthy dose of angst, followed by a solid...
Introduction: What is VTuber Legend? VTuber Legend is an interesting and unique isekai (alternate world) genre anime series, in which Virtual YouTubers (VTubers) Show the exciting...
Introduction The Prince of Tennis II U-17 World Cup is an anime that has impressed sports lovers and tennis fans with its exciting content and interesting...
Introduction Have you ever wondered how childcare and education can be depicted in an anime? Delico’s Nursery There is one anime that embodies this idea. This...