In October, the Pokémon: Horizons anime began a new arc, titled “Terapagos at Kagayaki” (The Brilliance of Terapagos). To celebrate, it was announced that the production...
The series Pokémon Horizons is preparing to put the Thundernauts on a new adventure and the anime celebrates this new phase with a very beautiful poster,...
This Wednesday (18), the Pokémon Company released the second episode of Pokémon: Winds of Paldea on his official YouTube channel. The web series had premiered on...
The Pokémon Company has apologized for the launch of the collaboration with the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The collection in honor of the museum’s 50th...
The Pokemon anime is finally releasing Ash and Pikachu and appears to be replacing them with two new characters, Liko and Roy The Pokémon anime is...
Top 10 strongest Pokémon owned by Ash, It’s been quite some time since journeys out now and Ash conquering the league Mr Ketchum has captured quite...
This Friday (27), the first episode of the new arc of Pokémon: Horizons was shown on Japanese TV. With that, the anime revealed a new opening...
The anime Pokémon: Horizons recently revealed a new opening theme for its new arc, titled “Terapagos no Kagayaki” (The Shining of Terapagos). The new theme song,...
The world of My Hero Academia as we know it is a superhuman society where heroics may be found at the forefront of just about all...