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One Piece– Luffy is Officially a YONKO!



 The latest and craziest developments in the one piece story and wow do we ever have a legendary historic chapter to cover today in many ways this chapter is exactly what we’ve been waiting for a long time so make sure to stay tuned for this one if you do enjoy these one-piece.

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Let’s jump into it spoilers and all so this chapter is called Teno zone turning point and Teno zone pretty much means a critical advantageous twist and is used often in games like go and shogi and since we had the whole go metaphor running throughout this war it’s a pretty perfect title to use Orochi himself acknowledges that this is a critical chapter so we better pay attention it starts in the flower capital as people are partaking in the festival we get a flashback of how Otama couldn’t wait and do nothing and went to help and help she really did thanks her fruit powers it’s a really touching moment as we see Teng Yama Hitetsu hoping and begging for Otama’s safety it’s interesting how these characters who wear masks can sometimes bring on the feels I’m thinking about Sakonji from demon slayer as well and we get some great panels from Oda as we see a little dark shape from the festival and Oda zooms in to reveal its Kaido’s flying castle pretty much already visible from the capital already especially if the clouds weren’t there to block it we rejoined the two dragons Momoshiki in Kaido we’re also told that master Yamato is alone on the roof injured again crazy to think how many times she’s challenged Kaido and yet again Kaido left her alive.

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 I’m hoping we get some more and much needed Kaido characterization soon that will help shed light on how exactly he views Yamato and her importance to him we see Luffy riding a dragon again and i made a point out of how hyped that was last time as well and here we have it being emphasized verbally as it stated that the pink dragon is challenging the azure dragon and is being ridden by straw hat Luffy it’s like when the cursed dragon fused with Gaia the fierce knight to create Gaia the dragon champion in other words for the weeb very hype indeed Yamato is still there putting together all the evidence and remembering that Momo wished he could turn into a monster like Kaido’s dragon form as they keep saying can’t wait for Momo to turn into his human or even hybrid form and for Yamato to see the Odin resemblance that reaction of Odin’s number one fan will no doubt be priceless queen quickly realizes that Yamato must have been keeping Kaido busy and that there’s no doubt this dragon is hostile towards them and i just love how hilarious Luffy is here his conversations with Momo are the best.


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Kaido is about to launch his famous blast breath a Yanko’s blast breath and Luffy is just like alright Momo counter it with your own breath oh my god it’s so funny Momo is just like there’s no way i could do that bro but to his credit he does appear to dodge the attack which is honestly just as good he tells Luffy again to remember that he’s in no position to fight right now remember he’s still mentally a kid and he’s facing off against a Yonko so his nervous sweats are totally justified Luffy jumps off the dragon and with an elephant gun smashes Kaido’s giant dragon into the ground i know it usually leaves no lasting damage on Kaido but visually i just love seeing Luffy’s tiny figure by comparison punch around something as big as Kaido’s dragon we then see that Luffy randomly asked Momo to bite Kaido i love how straightforward our future pirate king is obviously Momo is hesitant and to himself feels like there’s no way he can do it he does have some puts after all he remembers the burning castle him screaming out for his mother Kaido lifting his powerless crying self up and threatening his life but you know Momo is the man so he pushes through and actually bites hard into Kaido using the memory of when Kaido called his father a fool as motivation as usual with Oda at first it seems like it might have done some damage but then Kaido calmly looks over and asks what are you doing brat it’s as if he’s responding to an annoying fly and nothing else Momo thinks about how Kaido ruined Wano how his parents would be alive if not for Kaido and then the bite evidently served its purpose as Luffy comes in with another powerful punch sending Kaido flying it makes my heart smile when Luffy says nice going Momo because i know how much those few words must mean to our future shogun we then jump to some other fights and they may not be the main attraction but boy do they take an interesting turn it doesn’t look good initially for invades and Nekomamushi it’s mentioned that we’ve seen the last of the moon tonight since dragons call forth storm clouds it’s unlikely with two dragons that it’ll show itself again without their Sulong forms jack thinks he will beat Inu Arashi and Perospero thinks he will beat Nekomamushi it’s as good as done in their opinions jack even says one more hit and he probably would have been done Perospero similarly knows how lucky he is about the moon and simply says Nekomamushi will lose because of his bad luck as Nekomamushi and Inu Arashi look like they’re on the verge of utter defeat we jump back to Luffy who proclaims that Momo just bit one of the four emperors and asks after doing that does anything in the world still seem scary to you.

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 i absolutely love this pep talk and yeah knowing you bit the strongest creature in the world and live to tell about it is a pretty cool motivational boost and definitely a fun story to tell at parties Momo finally spits out no aka is not scared of anything and i love seeing Yamato’s shining face and expression as she’s witnessing this you can tell that morale is super high for our side right now luffy then sends Momo to fly and stop Onigashima from landing on the capital we predicted this would be the case but loved the way luffy gave him the confidence to do it and it’s the perfect job for a would-be protector of Wano more importantly it’s a job only he could do right now and he’s going to do it zorro and Sanji overheard and are shocked at the idea that that dragon is Momo even though they get a small moment in this chapter still great to see zorro and Sanji back to back conversing as they take on Kaido’s two strongest fighters absolutely love it we get Luffy acting epic as Luffy does and he stares down the dragon proclaiming again that he will definitely beat Kaido you gotta give it to him Luffy is one persistent b/w Momo and Luffy the forces are in an uproar gaining a huge morale boost these two are definitely leaders to be able to bring about this kind of reaction big mom is being big mom and just laughs at how rambunctious Luffy is being even calling him a brat still looking forward to the moment where she stops laughing and starts taking Luffy seriously i also loved kids reaction he initially also spoke of taking down Kaido but he’s pretty much made his peace with the fact that he won’t be the one to do it and tells Luffy you better be Kaido it’s a beautiful reaction while law simply wonders where Luffy has been all this time we see Nami, Otama, Frankie and others celebrating Luffy’s arrival and encouraging him to go get Kaido.

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Kaido is not just playing around anymore and even turns into his hybrid form again he asks if Luffy really thinks he has a chance against the Yonko the so-called strongest creature in the world and Luffy says as long as I’m breathing anything can happen i love that so much Luffy bringing this kind of attitude to life and the challenges that present themselves to him are exactly what one piece is about and then it happens the clashing of two Conquers Haki users happens and the sky splits overhead the heavens have split it has happened as you probably know this has happened with shanks and whitebeard in the past and with Kaido and big mom it’s pretty much a characteristic of two Yonko clashing at this point and even though Luffy has been called the fifth emperor because of his feats he never had this kind of sky-splitting moment to show his power was up to snuff but now there is no doubt about it Luffy is officially an emperor or at least emperor level that’s pretty much what Oda is telling us here with this panel he is fighting with Kaido as an equal now and it’s so hyped to be here this is the turning point that the title is referring to a historical moment for all of us one piece fans the heavens have split and because of that split the moon has been revealed the shock of jack and Perospero Sulong Neko and Inu use Odin one sword style to cut them down i love how Nekomamushi even mentions you were saying something about luck to Perospero it’s almost like a reaffirmation that Luffy doesn’t want to be lucky he makes his own luck by never giving up.

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We’re told by the narrator so it’s official big mom’s eldest son and jack and all-star have been defeated so anyone who talked down on the scabbards i think this shows just how useful they can be yeah they didn’t beat Kaido but i don’t think anyone expected that but taking down an all-star is nothing to sneeze at the turning point started with luffy and then these victories made it even more pronounced it’s possible because of the title of this chapter that this critical turn will lead to a more or less straight path to victory for our side it’s like they were riding to the top of a cliff and the rest is downhill with gravity on their side obviously i don’t think it’ll ever be too straightforward against the Yonko let alone the strongest creature in the world but things definitely look amazing right now for our side finally we also see Orochi and this shouldn’t be a surprise because i mentioned that with his power he could still very well be alive and I’m hoping Momoshiki gets to be the one to finish him off but we’ll see the cowardly mythical zone user is shocked that jack is defeated but there remembers it’s not his problem after all everyone is his enemy now which seems rather fitting for such a shady dude and that is it the end of this epic chapter.

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Luffy for me my boy is officially Yonko level and that’s only the beginning he’s planning to beat Kaido not just tie with him the end of this war is definitely getting near if we believe the title and this really is the critical point.

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If Naruto had taken Nagato’s Rinnegan?



If Naruto had taken Nagato's Rinnegan?

Naruto and Nagato: An Interesting Question

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Naruto had taken Nagato’s Rinnegan? This question is not only exciting but many scenes and incidents related to it take our imagination to new heights. Let’s discuss it in detail and understand what the power of the Rinnegan is and how it could have changed Naruto’s journey.

Rinnegan: The Pinnacle of Power

The Rinnegan, known as the ‘God of All Dojutsu‘, Nagato had one of the most unique and dangerous eyes. It not only unlocks powerful ninjutsu but also grants unimaginable abilities like the Six Paths Technique. Nagato used it through the Akashi Organization and wreaked havoc on many villages.

But imagine, what would have happened if Naruto had this power instead of Nagato?


If Naruto had taken the Rinnegan

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1. The purpose of peace and the new challenge

Naruto’s purpose was always to bring peace. Nagato also wanted the same, but his paths were different. This purpose of Naruto would have become even stronger after getting the Rinnegan. Maybe he could have used it in a better way. But, there were many difficulties with it also.

2. Six Paths Techniques and New Strategies

If Naruto had mastered the Six Paths technique, his power would have been greater than ever before. He would not only be able to fight the enemies better but would also be the best in protecting his comrades. As:

  • Preta Path: Absorbing the enemy’s ninjutsu.
  • Naraka Path: Bringing the dead back to life.
  • Deva Path: Control of gravity.

With these abilities, Naruto’s battles against enemies like Pain or Obito would have been even more spectacular.

Naruto’s humanity and morality

There is also a problem with the power of the Rinnegan. This makes the user extremely powerful but also puts a mental and physical burden on them. Naruto had a very pure heart, but how would so much power affect his moral values? Would he be able to use it properly?


Nagato and Naruto’s relationship

Nagato and Naruto had a special bond. Both had faced pain and war. But their objectives and paths were different. Naruto’s journey with Nagato’s Rinnegan could have deepened their relationship.

Possible scenes and theories

  • End of Penn Arc: If Naruto had taken it upon himself instead of stopping Nagato with the Rinnegan, would he have been more capable of protecting Konoha?
  • Battle against Mother Uchiha: The pairing of Naruto and Sasuke with the Rinnegan would have been even stronger in defeating Mother Uchiha.

Was this possible?

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Naruto already had the power of the Kyuubi (nine tailed fox). Even if there was a power like Rinnegan, perhaps the balance in the story could have been disturbed. Despite this, the idea is exciting and forces fans to think of new scenes.


“What if Naruto had taken Nagato’s Rinnegan?” The answer to this question is not easy. But one thing is certain, it would have completely changed the story. It shows how responsibility goes with strength.

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Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning



Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning

The full story of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1

New beginning of the Dragon Ball series Dragon Ball Forever Episode 1 In this we get to see an exciting and unique twist. Goku And a new challenge begins with the remaining Saiyans, and this time the enemies are not only powerful but also extremely cunning. Let’s know the story of this first episode in detail!

Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning

The First episode Same Old Dragon Balls is based on a story related to, where seven Dragon Balls mighty dragons as soon as gathered Shenron Appears. Shenron can fulfill any wish, and Goku’s story revolves around this. This episode shows Goku’s simple and calm nature, but his true strength lies behind his innocence.

Goku lived in the mountains as a child and began his search for the Dragon Balls after meeting Bulma. In this journey, he made many friends and enemies. But Dragon Ball Daima The story takes a new turn in Dark Demon Realm The characters arrive.


The Arrival of New Enemies

This season Deg Su and Goma are introduced to two mysterious characters named. Both of them come from the Dark Demon Realm and are some of the most powerful fighters on Earth – like Goku, Vegeta, And Majin Buu – Keep an eye on their power. Although Goma looks small, his dream is to become the king of the Demon Realm.

Deg Su and Goma are concerned about how such powerful fighters exist on Earth. They are determined to eradicate this power and carry out their evil plans. Dragon Balls Let’s decide to collect.

Three Dangerous Wishes

Deg Su and Goma have three wishes:

  1. First wish: Turning Goku and all the other Saiyans into children so that they become weaker.
  2. Second wish: Is a special Evil Eye To achieve, so that they can become invincible.
  3. Third wish: He did not reveal the details of this wish, but hinted that it would be the most dangerous.

Goku and Vegeta’s new challenge

In this episode we Goku And Vegeta An exciting fight is also seen between them, which reminds of their old matches. Goku remains as enthusiastic and curious as ever, while Vegeta remains serious and cautious. This clash between the two fighters is a great moment for the fans.

On the other hand, Goma and Deg Su started working on their plan. They quickly realize that Goku and the rest of the Fighters are the biggest obstacle standing in the way of their plan.

Dr. Arinju’s entry

Deg Su’s sister Dr. A.S. Arinju also plays an important role in this story. She researches Majin Buu and other fighters and warns Deg Su that fighters like Goku and Vegeta could pose a threat to him. She advises Deg Su to carry out their mission as quickly as possible if they want to succeed.

What happens at the end of episode 1?

At the end of the episode Goma and Deg Su arrive on Earth and begin collecting the Dragon Balls. Goku and the rest of the Fighters have to not only conserve their power but also ensure that their power is not misused.


Dragon Ball Daima: An Exciting New Chapter

Dragon Ball Daima The first episode marks the beginning of a new journey for Goku and the rest of the Fighters as they face new enemies. The series brings more twists and surprises than ever before, and each episode promises to keep the audience engaged.

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Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Release Date, and Dub Information



Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Release Date, and Dub Information

Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Season 2, Dub and all the necessary information

Among today’s anime viewers Berserk of Gluttony Has become a popular name. This anime is attracting everyone’s attention with a unique story and awesome action sequences. In this article we Berserk of Gluttony एनिमी, Manga, dub, And season 2 We will talk about every important information related to. Plus, we’ll know where you can watch this anime and what updates there are about its future.

What is the story of Berserk of Gluttony?

Berserk of Gluttony The story of such a main character fat graphite It revolves around Fate Graphite, who has a cursed skill called “Gluttony”. Initially, this skill makes him appear to be a weak and worthless person whom no one takes seriously. But as Fate discovers the true meaning of his power, he begins to use its power to defeat his enemies and change his life.


Gluttony The skill allows him to steal the abilities and powers of those he defeats. Because of this there is a sudden increase in his power and he emerges as a powerful warrior. This anime has a wonderful mix of action, adventure, and mystery, which keeps the audience engaged.

Berserk of Gluttony Anime Release Date

The first season of the Berserk of Gluttony anime was released in 2023. This anime received an overwhelming response and fans are eagerly waiting for its future episodes.

Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 There has been no official announcement yet regarding the release date, but it is being speculated that its second season may be released in late 2024 or early 2025. Fans are hoping to see more exciting battles and new characters in Season 2.


Dubbed version of Berserk of Gluttony

Berserk of Gluttony का English Dub Also expected to be released soon. The demand for dub is increasing, especially in western countries. It is estimated that its English dub may be released in early 2024. If you’re a fan of the English dub, you’ll be happy to know that several famous voice actors have been signed on for the dubbed version.

Characters of Berserk of Gluttony

Anime is characterized by its fantastic characters, and Berserk of Gluttony The characters are also its main attraction. Let us know about the main characters:

  1. Fate Graphite
    Fate is the main character of this anime. Her journey from an ignored and weak image to her explosive emergence of power is the center of this story. His “Gluttony” skill allows him to steal power from his enemies.
  2. Roxy Heart
    Roxy is a courageous warrior who joins forces with Fett in battle. His honesty and integrity make him a strong and inspiring partner. His and Fate’s friendship makes this story more interesting.
  3. Greed
    Gradius is a mysterious character who guides Fett on his journey. What his true purpose is remains a mystery throughout the story.

Berserk of Gluttony comparison between manga and anime

Berserk of Gluttony It started as a manga, which gained immense popularity. Manga and anime have many similarities, but there are also some differences. In the manga the story is told in more detail, while in the anime it is slightly condensed to keep the pace.

If you have already read the manga, the anime will also have some unique scenes and action sequences that will hook you. Fans of the manga may also see some major changes in the anime, which will make the direction of the story slightly different.


Where to watch Berserk of Gluttony?

Now the question is whether you Berserk of Gluttony एनिमी Where can you see? There are several options for this:

  • Crunchyroll: On this you can watch all the episodes of Berserk of Gluttony. This platform is very popular among anime fans.
  • Funimation:The dubbed and subtitled version of Berserk of Gluttony will also be available here.
  • Hulu:This anime is also available on Hulu in some countries.
  • Netflix: Berserk of Gluttony is expected to also be streamed on Netflix in the future, although this has not been officially announced yet.

Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 Release Date

As discussed earlier, Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 There has been no official information regarding the release date yet, but according to some reports, it may be released in late 2024 or early 2025.

The story will be even more interesting in the second season as the challenges faced by Fate and his companions will increase further. Along with new enemies, Fett must confront even greater secrets of his power.

Future prospects for Berserk of Gluttony

Anime fans hope Berserk of Gluttony A third season will also be made. It will depend on what kind of response Season 2 gets. If Season 2 is successful, the chances of a Season 3 will definitely increase.

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