In the final battle and in a heart-beating finale, Bakugo’s quirk awakens to produce a shocking effect. On the other hand, All For One is on...
The new ending to the Attack on Titan anime is really shocking, and several differences from the manga ending are notable. The main difference is that Eren...
The latest chapter 1098 of One Piece, called “The Birth of Bonnie,” takes the fans through another emotional ride as we discover Jenny’s surprising background, how...
These are the fruits that people have given the name after their action, and they are found in different places in the game. Each fruit provides...
Their power is the reason why the Marines in One Piece have a strong force. Haki is a mysterious power that can be used to strengthen...
There are many Strongest Dads in One Piece who have left their mark in the annals of piracy. Their commitment never wavered, their courage was steadfast...
One of the most curious mysteries of the One Piece universe is Blackbeard’s ability to own two Devil Fruits. Even though the official explanation on this...
However, it is not possible to give a concrete answer on who the second child of prophecy is in Naruto. After a Prophecy in Naruto, The...
One of the widely loved manga and anime series is One Piece. The question of the Fastest Character in One Piece and its identity is one...
Jiraiya was an incredible ninja who lived in the land of Hidden Leaf Village. He had been strong and popular, but he never became Hokage for...