In the latest chapter of “Jujutsu Kaisen,” intense battles and shocking revelations are on the horizon. After a brief hiatus due to a magazine break, fans...
Introduction: The Enigmatic Schemer In the intricate world of Jujutsu Kaisen, where curses and sorcerers collide, a mastermind lurks behind the scenes, orchestrating events that could...
Malevolent Shrine It is unknown when Sukuna was able to create his Domain Expansion, but he was able to make use of it even after his...
Synopsis In Jujutsu Kaisen 0 , Young Yuta Okkotsu gains control of an extremely powerful spirit, so a group of sorcerers enroll him at Tokyo district...
Synopsis Suffering, regret, shame: humans’ negative feelings become Curses, causing terrible accidents that can even lead to death. And to make matters worse, Curses can only be...
Jujutsu Kaisen the Shonen is a action Including monster and weak or strong type curses, Ninja-like organization that fights them and plenty of animation alongside colorful...