The third trailer for MAPPA’s Chainsaw Man adaptation offers manga fans everything they’ve come to expect, with a healthy dose of angst, followed by a solid...
Synopsis A 14-year-old Iruma Suzuki was unlucky his entire life and, despite being underage, had to work to earn money for his irresponsible parents. One...
Synopsis Doraemon: Nobita’s Dinosaur is the first part of the Doraemon feature film. It is an adaptation of the book of the same name by...
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun Season 3: In the 3rd season of Welcome Demon School Iruma-kun, Iruma Suzuki one day finds himself taken against his will...
Synopsis In Jujutsu Kaisen 0 , Young Yuta Okkotsu gains control of an extremely powerful spirit, so a group of sorcerers enroll him at Tokyo district...
Synopsis One day, a beautiful woman named Aki (Atsuko Maeda) mysteriously dies. Sakura (Atsuko Maeda) appears before popular novelist Mizorogi and introduces herself as Aki’s twin...
Black Clover which surprisingly actually went on a hiatus after its 170th episode on march 30th now before, anime for a very long time and when...
Welcome back, today’s we will find out the 10 Best Characters in Roblox’s Anime Mania. The Roblox game anime mania has slowly but surely gained quite...
Welcome back everyone and it’s time to go see today. I’m going to discuss “How Yami Sukehiro recruited every member of the Black Bulls”. I’m so...
One Piece chapter 1055 New Era and “Momonosuke stopped Yamato from interfering because he wants to save Wano alone as that’s his duty”. Momonosuke has his...