Black Clover Chapter 354 is titled Judgment Day and begins with Lucius arriving in the Clover Kingdom with three paladins. The kingdom evacuated everyone in the...
When Takemichi returns to the present, Tenjiku has absorbed the Tokyo Manji Gang after an event known as the “Kantō Incident”, leaving Mikey so demoralized that...
Takemichi returns to the present and finds that after absorbing the Black Dragons, the Tokyo Manji Gang has grown into a large criminal organization where his...
Black Clover Chapter 353 is titled “Party at the Peak” and the chapter continues as the skies clear up thanks to Asta’s saving from the five-headed...
Takemichi returns to the present only to find Hinata and his friends are still dying in the current timeline or not. With only one clue that...
Black Clover Chapter 352 began when Ryudo told Ryuya Asta to go all out on the next attack while his Ryuzen Seven primed him for one...
Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old boy, one day discovers that his former school ex-girlfriend Hinata Tachibana was killed along with his younger brother Naoto by Tokyo Manji’s...
In the 8th episode “Christmas Showdown” built entirely on action, with no resources required to make it work. Primarily recreating the characters’ beats and inorganically disrupting...
Summary Tokyo Revengers follows a 26-year-old freelancer named Takemichi Hanagaki who one day finds out that his middle school ex-girlfriend Hinata Tachibana and younger brother Naoto...
Summaury Ichigo Kurosaki is an ordinary high school student until his family is attacked by corrupted spirit or Hollow that wants to eat people’s souls. In...