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Deku Unlocks All His Quirks!? Finally His Full Power – My Hero Academia



Let’s get into this so with the chapter we followed the likes of Yo Shindo and Tatami Nakagame two senior hero corps students at Ketsubutsu Academy High School we first met during the provisional license exam arc intending to fulfill their civic duty they had entered an endangered zone in hopes of convincing the remaining populists to evacuate and take shelter at their school however the civilians weren’t having it as they no longer possessed any faith in the now tattered mecca of heroics regardless of however strong these kids propose themselves to be having now failed the two would leave just as he likes a muscular.

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Yo Shindo and Tatami Nakagame two senior hero corps students at Ketsubutsu Academy

Who’d left from building to building would descend and crash towards them full of murderous intent tatami would rush back to the civilians while Yo Shindo was left to face the fiend in what was a bloody and downright overwhelming battle one that nearly saw his demise but just then entering behind a massive blow it was deku now prepared and ready to save the day.

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Canonical one perhaps this is an aspect of one for all

A canonical one perhaps this is an aspect of one for all afforded to those without quirks seeing as that’s a similarity particularly focused upon as of late and as cool as that would be i highly doubt it to be the case considering we do get to see him without the mask at the end of the chapter and his eyes look pretty normal regardless having deku actually use the mass aspect of his costume is pretty nice and again muscular was just so overjoyed to see deku here as he was sick of beating down fodder and wanted a real challenge he tell deku not to run away as he broke down a rock in his hand and interestingly enough it wasn’t as if he had plots of revenge on his mind or anything of the sort he’s not the type of villain that has a grandiose plan or vision at least not anything worth talking extensively about it’s just as simple as he likes to use his quirk as he pleases that perhaps he would have been satisfied by a good old rampage before but like a junkie who’s just discovered a new high after facing the likes of deku he could never turn back from that sort of thrill and this Deku would say all this as he casually embedded the rocky crush into his empty eye socket as it bled from the insertion now this move was many levels of deranged but boy does it serve to be an incredible characterization i mean the sheer fact that he was able to crush such a large piece of rubble into a nearly perfect size with such expedience makes.


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converse with the past possessors

It clear just how precisely he is able to control his own strength and that is downright chilling following this he would in an instant leap in deku’s direction but not directly towards him but rather towards the building as he would upheld the top of it entirely as if he was just popping the trunk of a car muscular wanted his rematch and he wanted it now and at this point an incredible amount of smoke was overtaking the area as deku would swiftly pass Shindo over to Tatami. deku would then tell her to get him some immediate care and that they don’t need to worry about any more casualties to come she would agree but was unsure of who she was speaking to despite the familiarity of his voice on account of all the smoke and because of this with the exception of muscular here the secrecy of deku’s identity would be preserved for the time being but now leaping back into the action deku would wonder to himself if he had gone a bit overboard as just then the sixth user of one for all would apparats this being within deku’s mind but as a sort of projected form perhaps for the sake of his own sanity a really cool addition that makes it so he’s never truly alone despite his newfound solitude from here and would express that deku has used too much of his smokescreen quirk as in this way it may serve to be used against him as it’s not something he can retract or take back and at that we just casually get a new quark drop from deku which is very interesting does that mean he has all the quirks at his disposal and we’re just gonna be seeing them trickle in here and there as the story progresses because again we still don’t know how his arms and legs are not just completely decimated and so it is quite possible that deku does in fact have all his quirks and even if he doesn’t at the very least he must know of them all as he has had the opportunity to converse with the past possessors.

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All of which were instructed by the founder to elaborate

All of which were instructed by the founder to elaborate for him but furthermore and would express that deku may be leaning on the power of one for all too much causing him to make avoidable mistakes which may be interpreted as just because you have the power doesn’t mean you have to use it in its fullest at all times rein it in and consider its application a sword is a lethal weapon indeed but it is thanks to masterful hands that has been able to afford such prestige throughout the ages that even despite the eligibility provided by his quirk lessness he still possesses a major burden as the current wielder that most importantly he shouldn’t let the power use his body but instead have things be the other way around one for all is incredible but it should not be a crutch that he should instead think of his quirks more like the support items he currently has in his possession which is also fascinating we have a crime radio to represent danger sense rope indicative of black whip a jet pack related to float and a smoke bomb for his latest quirk i’m certainly a fan of this and if nothing else this serves to emphasize his difference from all might in the sense that support items never really worked for that guy but to go into more depth about this jetpack it’s probably the most high-tech piece of equipment he has on him so where does it come from exactly well seeing as so many hero agencies have now shut down it is possible that deku looted it from one such unattended arsenal if not that well at this point support items aren’t too hard to come by these days seeing as even civilians are able to possess them at this point but why a jet pack well if you remember back during the ua sports festival during the cavalry battle Hatsune had equipped his team with a jet pack under the pretense of Uraraka’s zero gravity quark a quirk so similar to float and personal application that it was used to help deku in his training so with this in mind i can imagine why a jet pack would make sense for him now leaping and hopping about like an edgy rabbit deku had successfully suffused the surrounding area with heaps and heaps of smoke effectively serving to limit muscular vision tremendously on top of the fact that he only possesses one eye from there he’d hone in on his own memories of muscular and begin to evade his attacks with danger sense which is probably my new favorite ability of his something that has only gotten cooler with this instance and i say this because that remark about recounting their previous engagement to me implies a more precise and refined avoidance based on experience and so the more familiar deku may be with an adversary the more reliable and or acute his danger sense may be not to mention the fact that his danger sense seems to possess a degree of recognition when in proximity to a familiar danger in the case of muscular prior to the first clash of this battle which is to imply that the range of this thing is absurd as well i mean guys remember when Bakugo clowned deku for only receiving bottom of the barrel quirks yeah that one for all supercharge is no joke because danger sends is amazing but after evading so well deku would employ black whip and grip onto muscular and with its ridiculous strength pull him right into a wall with ease as deku himself remained aloft thanks to float now at this point muscular in response to this was a bit annoyed that deku was to him using a bunch of annoying tricks with this deku would swoop down and begin his interrogation in regards to the current locations of shigaraki and all for one and listen between his use of danger sense and black whip deku is really looking like spider-man with the venom suit on but now especially considering that shot of him standing on the gargoyle a couple chapters back the way he dropped down here with that mean look in his eyes asking questions i could not help but see my guy batman muscular had no idea where shigaraki rl41 may be and didn’t really care he was told to do as he pleases when he was freed and that’s what he’s been doing he isn’t interested in small talk and instead simply wanted to go head to head with deku now despite the employ of these many new quirks muscular wasn’t fascinated by them in the slightest what he wants as a muscle head is a straight up strength test and with this still restraining him with black whip deku would begin to ask muscular why it is he does what he does as muscular would respond that it’s how he lives his life to the fullest which prompted deku to ask if there’s not another path he might be able to take now using his true name as opposed to his villainous one but just then muscular would refuse and begin to swell breaking free of black whip’s grasp again he was not here to talk but even still deku would recount his prior sentiments towards shigaraki and the others that he’s faced that perhaps if he understood them things could turn out differently but then he would think of Shota who had lost his parents to this monster a kid who now admires him greatly he’d think of the scared child deep within the mass murderer that is shigaraki it’s a difficult and complicated issue that despite his good intentions isn’t something that can be figured out so soon especially not in the midst of battle but as expected this is something that he’ll need to consider and work through before he tries to do so with shigaraki otherwise he’ll go in having no choice but to end his life deku would then tell muscular that a rematch was pointless but even still muscular was not backing down as suddenly his body began to look shredded.

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Shindo’s vibration truly did deal a massive blow

All the wrong ways deku had cut the tendons of the guy’s muscle fibers that after being brutalized to such extremes they couldn’t help but unravel and tear deku wasn’t just engaging in this fight straight on with pure physicality he was back to his tactical analysis as previously he had noticed muscular’s decision to attack the building instead of facing him directly ascertaining that Shindo’s vibration truly did deal a massive blow muscular could not be satisfied with this he wanted a real fight his power versus deku’s as deku would give him just that with a staggering hit to the gut as he’d make it clear that this is his power a conclusion that took him so long to come to but now he fully embraces it and that was the chapter man shout out to horikoshi for delivering this incredible story to us week after week .

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Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning



Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning

The full story of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1

New beginning of the Dragon Ball series Dragon Ball Forever Episode 1 In this we get to see an exciting and unique twist. Goku And a new challenge begins with the remaining Saiyans, and this time the enemies are not only powerful but also extremely cunning. Let’s know the story of this first episode in detail!

Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning

The First episode Same Old Dragon Balls is based on a story related to, where seven Dragon Balls mighty dragons as soon as gathered Shenron Appears. Shenron can fulfill any wish, and Goku’s story revolves around this. This episode shows Goku’s simple and calm nature, but his true strength lies behind his innocence.

Goku lived in the mountains as a child and began his search for the Dragon Balls after meeting Bulma. In this journey, he made many friends and enemies. But Dragon Ball Daima The story takes a new turn in Dark Demon Realm The characters arrive.


The Arrival of New Enemies

This season Deg Su and Goma are introduced to two mysterious characters named. Both of them come from the Dark Demon Realm and are some of the most powerful fighters on Earth – like Goku, Vegeta, And Majin Buu – Keep an eye on their power. Although Goma looks small, his dream is to become the king of the Demon Realm.

Deg Su and Goma are concerned about how such powerful fighters exist on Earth. They are determined to eradicate this power and carry out their evil plans. Dragon Balls Let’s decide to collect.

Three Dangerous Wishes

Deg Su and Goma have three wishes:

  1. First wish: Turning Goku and all the other Saiyans into children so that they become weaker.
  2. Second wish: Is a special Evil Eye To achieve, so that they can become invincible.
  3. Third wish: He did not reveal the details of this wish, but hinted that it would be the most dangerous.

Goku and Vegeta’s new challenge

In this episode we Goku And Vegeta An exciting fight is also seen between them, which reminds of their old matches. Goku remains as enthusiastic and curious as ever, while Vegeta remains serious and cautious. This clash between the two fighters is a great moment for the fans.

On the other hand, Goma and Deg Su started working on their plan. They quickly realize that Goku and the rest of the Fighters are the biggest obstacle standing in the way of their plan.

Dr. Arinju’s entry

Deg Su’s sister Dr. A.S. Arinju also plays an important role in this story. She researches Majin Buu and other fighters and warns Deg Su that fighters like Goku and Vegeta could pose a threat to him. She advises Deg Su to carry out their mission as quickly as possible if they want to succeed.

What happens at the end of episode 1?

At the end of the episode Goma and Deg Su arrive on Earth and begin collecting the Dragon Balls. Goku and the rest of the Fighters have to not only conserve their power but also ensure that their power is not misused.


Dragon Ball Daima: An Exciting New Chapter

Dragon Ball Daima The first episode marks the beginning of a new journey for Goku and the rest of the Fighters as they face new enemies. The series brings more twists and surprises than ever before, and each episode promises to keep the audience engaged.

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Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Release Date, and Dub Information



Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Release Date, and Dub Information

Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Season 2, Dub and all the necessary information

Among today’s anime viewers Berserk of Gluttony Has become a popular name. This anime is attracting everyone’s attention with a unique story and awesome action sequences. In this article we Berserk of Gluttony एनिमी, Manga, dub, And season 2 We will talk about every important information related to. Plus, we’ll know where you can watch this anime and what updates there are about its future.

What is the story of Berserk of Gluttony?

Berserk of Gluttony The story of such a main character fat graphite It revolves around Fate Graphite, who has a cursed skill called “Gluttony”. Initially, this skill makes him appear to be a weak and worthless person whom no one takes seriously. But as Fate discovers the true meaning of his power, he begins to use its power to defeat his enemies and change his life.


Gluttony The skill allows him to steal the abilities and powers of those he defeats. Because of this there is a sudden increase in his power and he emerges as a powerful warrior. This anime has a wonderful mix of action, adventure, and mystery, which keeps the audience engaged.

Berserk of Gluttony Anime Release Date

The first season of the Berserk of Gluttony anime was released in 2023. This anime received an overwhelming response and fans are eagerly waiting for its future episodes.

Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 There has been no official announcement yet regarding the release date, but it is being speculated that its second season may be released in late 2024 or early 2025. Fans are hoping to see more exciting battles and new characters in Season 2.


Dubbed version of Berserk of Gluttony

Berserk of Gluttony का English Dub Also expected to be released soon. The demand for dub is increasing, especially in western countries. It is estimated that its English dub may be released in early 2024. If you’re a fan of the English dub, you’ll be happy to know that several famous voice actors have been signed on for the dubbed version.

Characters of Berserk of Gluttony

Anime is characterized by its fantastic characters, and Berserk of Gluttony The characters are also its main attraction. Let us know about the main characters:

  1. Fate Graphite
    Fate is the main character of this anime. Her journey from an ignored and weak image to her explosive emergence of power is the center of this story. His “Gluttony” skill allows him to steal power from his enemies.
  2. Roxy Heart
    Roxy is a courageous warrior who joins forces with Fett in battle. His honesty and integrity make him a strong and inspiring partner. His and Fate’s friendship makes this story more interesting.
  3. Greed
    Gradius is a mysterious character who guides Fett on his journey. What his true purpose is remains a mystery throughout the story.

Berserk of Gluttony comparison between manga and anime

Berserk of Gluttony It started as a manga, which gained immense popularity. Manga and anime have many similarities, but there are also some differences. In the manga the story is told in more detail, while in the anime it is slightly condensed to keep the pace.

If you have already read the manga, the anime will also have some unique scenes and action sequences that will hook you. Fans of the manga may also see some major changes in the anime, which will make the direction of the story slightly different.


Where to watch Berserk of Gluttony?

Now the question is whether you Berserk of Gluttony एनिमी Where can you see? There are several options for this:

  • Crunchyroll: On this you can watch all the episodes of Berserk of Gluttony. This platform is very popular among anime fans.
  • Funimation:The dubbed and subtitled version of Berserk of Gluttony will also be available here.
  • Hulu:This anime is also available on Hulu in some countries.
  • Netflix: Berserk of Gluttony is expected to also be streamed on Netflix in the future, although this has not been officially announced yet.

Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 Release Date

As discussed earlier, Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 There has been no official information regarding the release date yet, but according to some reports, it may be released in late 2024 or early 2025.

The story will be even more interesting in the second season as the challenges faced by Fate and his companions will increase further. Along with new enemies, Fett must confront even greater secrets of his power.

Future prospects for Berserk of Gluttony

Anime fans hope Berserk of Gluttony A third season will also be made. It will depend on what kind of response Season 2 gets. If Season 2 is successful, the chances of a Season 3 will definitely increase.

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Naruto and Sasuke: Who is more handsome?



Naruto and Sasuke: Who is more handsome?

Whenever we talk about the most famous and favorite characters of the anime world, Naruto And Sasuke The name comes first. Both characters are from the Japanese anime and manga series “Naruto“, and their story, conflict, and friendship capture the hearts of millions of fans around the world. But when fans raise the question of Who is more handsome, naruto or Sasuke, then this debate never ends.

In this article, we will compare various aspects of Naruto and Sasuke’s personality, looks, and attractiveness so that you can decide for yourself who is more handsome.

Naruto Uzumaki: charming and familiar smile

Naruto Uzumaki is a character that people know for his energy, fearlessness, and never-say-die nature. Naruto’s face reflects his warmth and positive energy. Its characteristics are:

  • smile and liveliness: Naruto’s smile is his greatest strength. Her playfulness and liveliness bring her close to everyone’s heart. Her round face and blue eyes give her an innocent and charming look.
  • Body composition: Naruto has an athletic body due to his ninja training and hard work. It shows his physical strength and determination, making him look even more attractive.
  • clothes and style: Naruto’s costume, his orange and black jumpsuit, reflects his energetic and fast-paced character. Over time, Naruto’s style has matured, and he has become more attractive after becoming “Hokage.”

However, along with Naruto’s outer beauty, his inner beauty also makes him even more attractive. He is a true friend, a strong warrior, and honest person.


come now Sasuke Uchiha But, who rules the hearts of millions of fans due to his intense and mysterious personality. Sasuke’s character is colder, calmer and more serious, and it is this seriousness that makes him extremely attractive.

  • Serious face and sharp features: Sasuke’s face is thin and sharp, which makes him even more dark and mysterious. His dark eyes and deep gaze give him a serious and commanding personality. Sasuke looks like a perfect anti-hero, whom people love for his deep thinking and hidden emotions.
  • Stylish body and outfit: Sasuke’s body is also athletic like Naruto’s, but his style is more elegant and stylish. Her dark and cool outfits, especially with the Uchiha clan symbol, give her a distinct identity. His mastery of swordsmanship and ninja arts makes his character even more charismatic.
  • mysterious attraction: Sasuke’s silent and mysterious nature shows him as a person who is always thinking about something. The stories hidden behind his dark and sometimes sad face make him even more interesting.

Who is more handsome?

Now that we have compared the characteristics of both Naruto and Sasuke, the question is, who is more handsome?

  • In terms of looks: Sasuke’s seriousness, sharp features, and stylish style make him more attractive in terms of looks. His deep gaze and calm nature make him even more mysterious and handsome.
  • based on personality: Naruto’s playfulness, his positivity, and his constant cheerfulness take him to a different level. Her smile and her lively nature help her win people’s hearts.


Both Naruto and Sasuke are handsome in their own right, and it depends on your choice as to whom you like more. If you like depth and seriousness, then Sasuke might be the right choice for you. At the same time, if you want energy and positivity, then you will find the character of Naruto more attractive.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as both characters are charming in their ways, and their fans love them for their characteristics.

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