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Ultra Instinct Goku vs Ultra Ego Vegeta -Vegeta Beats Goku?



 So very recently in the dragon ball super manga Vegeta in his fight against the strongest mortal in universe 7 granola unveiled to us a brand new transformation that was all his own ultra ego a power not to be confused with that of goku’s ultra instinct and with these two characters now undergoing divergent paths of progression the question of how they might fare against one another at this point is certainly worth considering in fact it’s actually been quite a while since these two have fought one another at all.

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Vegeta and Goku
The last time being at the very beginning of the Broly film and at the time Goku was still rather inexperienced in his usage of ultra instinct to the point where he could not even call upon the power properly but yeah this last time between them was a sparring match and prior to that they seemed to have plenty of those but ever since Goku truly began to get a grasp of ultra instinct their training became separated and that’s for good reason with ultra instinct being a technique derived from the angels to take Goku to that next level Whis was there to train him however because Vegeta’ very nature defied the tenets of the technique he had very little chance of ever accessing it and this was a situation that Beerus could somewhat relate to as even he himself lacks complete mastery of the technique despite his absurdly long lifespan and so in a fit of shared frustration Beerus decides to provide Vegeta with a bit of destruction training and interestingly enough destruction is something that Goku actually attempted to make use of during the Goku black arc but failed now for the sake of fairness ultra ego is a very new development and so there may be certain aspects of it that we are not entirely aware of just yet but considering the fact that it was able to push granola to an extent similar to that display by goku’s ultra instinct i don’t believe that it is too unreasonable to compare the two now the fundamental properties of these two abilities are especially different with ultra instinct avoidance and evasion are paramount whereas with ultra ego it is more like acceptance and aggression.
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Vegeta wants to be hit as
It Vegeta wants to be hit as it makes him even stronger and at that i would say that this form is one that absolutely requires resistance or opposition because it is rooted in the very essence of sane biology a degree of thrill and or desperation is a necessity this is not something that may be used haphazardly but at the same time one might be able to argue that perhaps a degree of self-induced harm may suffice in upping its strength and fair enough but we have to remember the sort of character that we are dealing with here Vegeta is not about to use this on just anybody because at this point the list of combatants that can actually challenge him in universe 7 is a very short one if he’s not pressured by an opponent to begin with then there is no reason for him to harm himself for the sake of powering up adversity is one thing but if he’d had to go to such lengths to have a good time it’s probably not worth his time to begin with meanwhile you have ultra instinct which is a power that may be applied to any of goku’s forms and in theory should always be active like in the case of the angels and so from a practical sense ultra instinct is vastly superior but even still at this current point in goku’s development his use of it is extremely limited.
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Goku and Vegeta are growing more
Yes he may apply it to any of his forms even base but the moment he’s met by any complicated strategy that requires consideration and thought he is liable to losing it and becoming vulnerable not only that but he still hasn’t completely mastered ultra instinct in tandem with his super Saiyan transformations due to just how diametrically opposed the aggression required of super Saiyan is to the neutrality required of ultra instinct now we thoroughly discussed everything Goku can currently do with ultra instinct in a previous video so i suggest you go and check that one out for a bit more depth and contextual explanation but Goku can do a lot of outlandish things with ultra instinct beyond just simply dodging in its white haired form which is ultra instinct perfected he actually hits really hard and is even capable of telekinesis cloning enhanced defense and spiritual projection ultra ego on the other hand hasn’t shown us all too much just yet beyond hitting very hard but it also seems to increase Vegeta’s defense a whole lot as despite suffering a good amount of damage he was able to withstand a number of direct hits from granola without being knocked out of it direct hits which absolutely destroyed Goku regardless of what form of ultra instinct he adopted one direct hit to the chest was enough to knock Goku out of his most powerful form and from there he was rendered unconscious for quite some time and even when he got back up he was still in critical condition and in need of immediate healing. 
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with ultra ego Vegeta’s hits are likely

I would argue that with ultra ego Vegeta’s hits are likely to at the very least be comparable if not more powerful than these and perhaps they won’t be as calculated in their delivery but for the most part if you’re hit by a truck does it really matter where on your body you’re hit it’s still going to hurt and you know what i gotta be honest with you at first when considering all this i was under the impression that this would be a clean sweep for Goku on account of all that he has under his belt when it comes to ultra instinct but upon closer inspection Vegeta is kinda stacked right now ultra instinct has a lot of extra abilities to it but truthfully none of them actually matter against Vegeta because he has access to spirit fission clones and giant spirit mechs are pretty much worthless and with that Vegeta’s key control is absurdly good and that seems to be what he’s been mostly building up as of late whereas Goku with ultra instinct has had physicality be his primary focus and if you notice when Goku enters true ultra instinct he doesn’t really use ki blasts much at all in fact with the manga he’s only ever done it once meanwhile with ultra instinct sign the precursor to proper ultra instinct he actually did it a fair bit which i feel may have been for the sake of making up for its lacking physical power and now looking back to Vegito with ultra ego he is able to apply destruction properties to massive spheres of Ki and packs quite a punch and so with all this in mind at least for me if these two were to go head-to-head with their absolute best right now Goku would more than likely claim a lot of the fight’s early momentum he’d be evading Vegeta’s hits and subsequently delivering his own but right now goku’s ability to maintain this form is severely limited as he battle rages on his stamina would dwindle and at that point despite having suffered a great deal of damage Vegeta would be far stronger than he began Goku would have a very hard time closing things out while Vegeta would finally begin to get the upper hand and land some sizeable blows and so for right now at least i feel that Vegeta would emerge victorious with ultra ego with that being said however because ultra instinct is a technique with a far clearer path of progression considering its angelic origins it may very well stand to have a higher power ceiling in the long run but at the same time i wonder if the cumulative power increases of Vegeta in this form may be retained to some degree even when he returns to base and i say this because its transformation and its power is in fact so thoroughly tied to his Saiyan power so in theory its growth should in fact remain to some extent but we’ll just have to wait and see if that is truly the case or not but in regards to progression although ultra ego may be unique to Vegeta being a sort of reaction between his saying genetics and the power of a god of destruction.

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Is unwise to doubt a Saiyan’s power

He still has a long way to go in his training under Beerus so who knows how far this may end up going for him after all it is unwise to doubt a Saiyan’s power but yeah guys that just about does it for the discussion i imagine this sort of thing may be a tad bit controversial to some part , lets speak further in more in next one.

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If Naruto had taken Nagato’s Rinnegan?



If Naruto had taken Nagato's Rinnegan?

Naruto and Nagato: An Interesting Question

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if Naruto had taken Nagato’s Rinnegan? This question is not only exciting but many scenes and incidents related to it take our imagination to new heights. Let’s discuss it in detail and understand what the power of the Rinnegan is and how it could have changed Naruto’s journey.

Rinnegan: The Pinnacle of Power

The Rinnegan, known as the ‘God of All Dojutsu‘, Nagato had one of the most unique and dangerous eyes. It not only unlocks powerful ninjutsu but also grants unimaginable abilities like the Six Paths Technique. Nagato used it through the Akashi Organization and wreaked havoc on many villages.

But imagine, what would have happened if Naruto had this power instead of Nagato?


If Naruto had taken the Rinnegan

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1. The purpose of peace and the new challenge

Naruto’s purpose was always to bring peace. Nagato also wanted the same, but his paths were different. This purpose of Naruto would have become even stronger after getting the Rinnegan. Maybe he could have used it in a better way. But, there were many difficulties with it also.

2. Six Paths Techniques and New Strategies

If Naruto had mastered the Six Paths technique, his power would have been greater than ever before. He would not only be able to fight the enemies better but would also be the best in protecting his comrades. As:

  • Preta Path: Absorbing the enemy’s ninjutsu.
  • Naraka Path: Bringing the dead back to life.
  • Deva Path: Control of gravity.

With these abilities, Naruto’s battles against enemies like Pain or Obito would have been even more spectacular.

Naruto’s humanity and morality

There is also a problem with the power of the Rinnegan. This makes the user extremely powerful but also puts a mental and physical burden on them. Naruto had a very pure heart, but how would so much power affect his moral values? Would he be able to use it properly?


Nagato and Naruto’s relationship

Nagato and Naruto had a special bond. Both had faced pain and war. But their objectives and paths were different. Naruto’s journey with Nagato’s Rinnegan could have deepened their relationship.

Possible scenes and theories

  • End of Penn Arc: If Naruto had taken it upon himself instead of stopping Nagato with the Rinnegan, would he have been more capable of protecting Konoha?
  • Battle against Mother Uchiha: The pairing of Naruto and Sasuke with the Rinnegan would have been even stronger in defeating Mother Uchiha.

Was this possible?

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Naruto already had the power of the Kyuubi (nine tailed fox). Even if there was a power like Rinnegan, perhaps the balance in the story could have been disturbed. Despite this, the idea is exciting and forces fans to think of new scenes.


“What if Naruto had taken Nagato’s Rinnegan?” The answer to this question is not easy. But one thing is certain, it would have completely changed the story. It shows how responsibility goes with strength.

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Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning



Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning

The full story of Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1

New beginning of the Dragon Ball series Dragon Ball Forever Episode 1 In this we get to see an exciting and unique twist. Goku And a new challenge begins with the remaining Saiyans, and this time the enemies are not only powerful but also extremely cunning. Let’s know the story of this first episode in detail!

Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1 Beginning

The First episode Same Old Dragon Balls is based on a story related to, where seven Dragon Balls mighty dragons as soon as gathered Shenron Appears. Shenron can fulfill any wish, and Goku’s story revolves around this. This episode shows Goku’s simple and calm nature, but his true strength lies behind his innocence.

Goku lived in the mountains as a child and began his search for the Dragon Balls after meeting Bulma. In this journey, he made many friends and enemies. But Dragon Ball Daima The story takes a new turn in Dark Demon Realm The characters arrive.


The Arrival of New Enemies

This season Deg Su and Goma are introduced to two mysterious characters named. Both of them come from the Dark Demon Realm and are some of the most powerful fighters on Earth – like Goku, Vegeta, And Majin Buu – Keep an eye on their power. Although Goma looks small, his dream is to become the king of the Demon Realm.

Deg Su and Goma are concerned about how such powerful fighters exist on Earth. They are determined to eradicate this power and carry out their evil plans. Dragon Balls Let’s decide to collect.

Three Dangerous Wishes

Deg Su and Goma have three wishes:

  1. First wish: Turning Goku and all the other Saiyans into children so that they become weaker.
  2. Second wish: Is a special Evil Eye To achieve, so that they can become invincible.
  3. Third wish: He did not reveal the details of this wish, but hinted that it would be the most dangerous.

Goku and Vegeta’s new challenge

In this episode we Goku And Vegeta An exciting fight is also seen between them, which reminds of their old matches. Goku remains as enthusiastic and curious as ever, while Vegeta remains serious and cautious. This clash between the two fighters is a great moment for the fans.

On the other hand, Goma and Deg Su started working on their plan. They quickly realize that Goku and the rest of the Fighters are the biggest obstacle standing in the way of their plan.

Dr. Arinju’s entry

Deg Su’s sister Dr. A.S. Arinju also plays an important role in this story. She researches Majin Buu and other fighters and warns Deg Su that fighters like Goku and Vegeta could pose a threat to him. She advises Deg Su to carry out their mission as quickly as possible if they want to succeed.

What happens at the end of episode 1?

At the end of the episode Goma and Deg Su arrive on Earth and begin collecting the Dragon Balls. Goku and the rest of the Fighters have to not only conserve their power but also ensure that their power is not misused.


Dragon Ball Daima: An Exciting New Chapter

Dragon Ball Daima The first episode marks the beginning of a new journey for Goku and the rest of the Fighters as they face new enemies. The series brings more twists and surprises than ever before, and each episode promises to keep the audience engaged.

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Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Release Date, and Dub Information



Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Release Date, and Dub Information

Berserk of Gluttony: Anime, Season 2, Dub and all the necessary information

Among today’s anime viewers Berserk of Gluttony Has become a popular name. This anime is attracting everyone’s attention with a unique story and awesome action sequences. In this article we Berserk of Gluttony एनिमी, Manga, dub, And season 2 We will talk about every important information related to. Plus, we’ll know where you can watch this anime and what updates there are about its future.

What is the story of Berserk of Gluttony?

Berserk of Gluttony The story of such a main character fat graphite It revolves around Fate Graphite, who has a cursed skill called “Gluttony”. Initially, this skill makes him appear to be a weak and worthless person whom no one takes seriously. But as Fate discovers the true meaning of his power, he begins to use its power to defeat his enemies and change his life.


Gluttony The skill allows him to steal the abilities and powers of those he defeats. Because of this there is a sudden increase in his power and he emerges as a powerful warrior. This anime has a wonderful mix of action, adventure, and mystery, which keeps the audience engaged.

Berserk of Gluttony Anime Release Date

The first season of the Berserk of Gluttony anime was released in 2023. This anime received an overwhelming response and fans are eagerly waiting for its future episodes.

Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 There has been no official announcement yet regarding the release date, but it is being speculated that its second season may be released in late 2024 or early 2025. Fans are hoping to see more exciting battles and new characters in Season 2.


Dubbed version of Berserk of Gluttony

Berserk of Gluttony का English Dub Also expected to be released soon. The demand for dub is increasing, especially in western countries. It is estimated that its English dub may be released in early 2024. If you’re a fan of the English dub, you’ll be happy to know that several famous voice actors have been signed on for the dubbed version.

Characters of Berserk of Gluttony

Anime is characterized by its fantastic characters, and Berserk of Gluttony The characters are also its main attraction. Let us know about the main characters:

  1. Fate Graphite
    Fate is the main character of this anime. Her journey from an ignored and weak image to her explosive emergence of power is the center of this story. His “Gluttony” skill allows him to steal power from his enemies.
  2. Roxy Heart
    Roxy is a courageous warrior who joins forces with Fett in battle. His honesty and integrity make him a strong and inspiring partner. His and Fate’s friendship makes this story more interesting.
  3. Greed
    Gradius is a mysterious character who guides Fett on his journey. What his true purpose is remains a mystery throughout the story.

Berserk of Gluttony comparison between manga and anime

Berserk of Gluttony It started as a manga, which gained immense popularity. Manga and anime have many similarities, but there are also some differences. In the manga the story is told in more detail, while in the anime it is slightly condensed to keep the pace.

If you have already read the manga, the anime will also have some unique scenes and action sequences that will hook you. Fans of the manga may also see some major changes in the anime, which will make the direction of the story slightly different.


Where to watch Berserk of Gluttony?

Now the question is whether you Berserk of Gluttony एनिमी Where can you see? There are several options for this:

  • Crunchyroll: On this you can watch all the episodes of Berserk of Gluttony. This platform is very popular among anime fans.
  • Funimation:The dubbed and subtitled version of Berserk of Gluttony will also be available here.
  • Hulu:This anime is also available on Hulu in some countries.
  • Netflix: Berserk of Gluttony is expected to also be streamed on Netflix in the future, although this has not been officially announced yet.

Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 Release Date

As discussed earlier, Berserk of Gluttony Season 2 There has been no official information regarding the release date yet, but according to some reports, it may be released in late 2024 or early 2025.

The story will be even more interesting in the second season as the challenges faced by Fate and his companions will increase further. Along with new enemies, Fett must confront even greater secrets of his power.

Future prospects for Berserk of Gluttony

Anime fans hope Berserk of Gluttony A third season will also be made. It will depend on what kind of response Season 2 gets. If Season 2 is successful, the chances of a Season 3 will definitely increase.

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