This Monday (16), the THAT released the second trailer for the live-action film based on the manga Golden Kamuy. The film will be starred by Kento...
Sukuna Ryomen is the King of Curses, the most powerful cursed spirit in Jujutsu Kaisen. He is a malevolent being who allegedly lived for more than...
The newly announced anime Dragon Ball Daima will present an important change in Goten e Trunks. The first preview images of the animation were revealed recently,...
Officially announced during New York Comic Con, Dragon Ball Daima received an unprecedented look, highlighting Goku and the Magic Stick. The creator of the work, Akira...
Marvel Mangaverse is a Marvel Comics imprint that produces manga-style comics. The imprint was launched in 2000 and has since published a number of different series, including:...
Apparently, another work by Weekly Shonen Jump will get an anime adaptation. According to Manga Mogure REa domain was registered for the anime Blue Box. The...
The final act of My Hero Academia already started in the manga and chapter 403 was responsible for bringing the character’s return Bakugo Katsuki. Well, after...
My Hero Academia is approaching its end and, once again going to the emotional side, we have the introduction of the mother of Yagi Toshinori also...
There are 7 shinobis who can use 5 chakra natures are Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Orochimaru, Mu, Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki. All these shinobis...
The first key visual and first PV of the TV anime “ The seventh loop of the villainess enjoys a free-spirited life as a bride in a former...