In an interview with Den of Geek, the creator of Scott Pilgrim, Bryan Lee O’Malley revealed that the anime took an “all or nothing” approach to...
The production company, “Overlap,” recently unveiled an official website for the upcoming television anime adaptation of a light novel titled “Chillin’ in Another World with Level...
During New York Comic-Con, Chainsaw Man received the Harvey Award for Best Manga of 2023. This is the third win in a row, as it was...
Nanami uses his Ratio Technique to divide his target into ten parts, with the 7:3 It weakest point ratio. He swings his cursed energy-reinforced sword at...
Ace left his ambition of being the Pirate King to protect his younger brother, Luffy. Being the son of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, Ace...
I thought Sukuna would behave like Kurama from Naruto, Kurama in the starting is very dangerous and doesn’t anyone, He always destroys everything in his surroundings....
However, no sooner had Nanami and the Zenin family managed to defeat Mahito’s cursed object than Jogo appeared and burned Nanami to ashes in seconds. But...
Spider-Man: Fake Red is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yūsuke Ōsawa. This manga is serialized in Kodansha’s Seinen Magazine Pocket. From July 2019...
In the Naruto manga and anime, the exact dates of their appointments and deaths are unavailable. Thus, the durations of the rule of each Hokage are...
Did you know Kaido is like a Magikarp, Kaido’s Devil Fruit is One Piece’s version of a Magikarp evolving into a Gyarados? When the Straw Hats...