Gorō Taniguchi (谷口悟朗) is a Japanese anime director, writer, producer, and storyboard artist, who is among Sunrise’s notable directors. He was born in Nisshin, Aichi, Japan...
In Anime Expo, popular webtoon Solo Leveling was announced as getting an anime adaption. The is grounded on the web novel written by Chugong, which concluded...
Synopsis Naruto Uzumaki wants to be the best ninja ever. He is doing very well, but with the imminent danger posed by the mysterious Akatsuki, Naruto realizes that he...
Both All Might and Goku are characters in their world. Goku has saved his world multiple times in the Dragon Ball series while All Might is a...
Synopsis Village of fearsome ninja is home to the sneakiest ninjas. But twelve years ago, a fearsome Nine-Tailed Fox terrorized the village, until he was defeated and...
In Hunter x Hunter 396, the troupe decided to do more voice acting and skits, with the addition of the young woman who initially helped Chrollo...
One Piece Chapter 1068 is honoured with the title “A genius Dream”. Based on the last chapter, the new segment shows a turning point for the...
Kinnikuman (also known as Ultimate Muscle in English) is a Japanese superhero manga series written and illustrated by Yudetamago. It was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump...
The worlds of Dragon Ball and One-Punch Man make an epic-scale collision course in a spectacle showcased in some fan-made animation. The video file, which is...
Scoob! Holiday Haunt director Michael Kurinsky gave an explanation why the sequel had to be finished even after its cancellation by Warner Bros. Discovery months ago....