The official Haikyu!! An anime’s Twitter account posted the durability of the anime adaption of Haruichi Furudate’s manga series now, unveiling that the coming and” final”...
Haikyū!! is a shōnen sports anime series adapted from the manga by Haruichi Furudate, and produced by ProductionI. G and Toho in confluence with the Japanese...
Synopsis There’s a palace where the process is chosen by people called” Regulars” with the pledge of granting their deepest solicitations. Whether it be wealth, fame,...
Asta is an orphan raised under the care of a church in Hage after his mommy abandons him on the church’s doorstep. After turning 15 years...
My Isekai Life is a brand new anime title release in the Summer 2022, and true to its title, this is an isekai fantasy series. That...
The Ranking of Kings TV anime announced today on official Twitter account for that the series, based on the manga of the same name by Sosuke...
Latest news about The Rising of the Shield Hero season 3 the possible release date what it will offer to the fans The Rising of the...
So we have got some breaking news today for the fans of the anime Tower of God it has now been more than two years since...
The Rise of The Idealistic Hero The first season of Attack on Titan concentrated on explaining the series’ world and myth. The observers learn of the...
The story begins with the current state of Japanese football, the Japan Football Association decides to hire the enigmatic and eccentric coach Jinpachi Ego to pursue...