In the Naruto manga and anime, the exact dates of their appointments and deaths are unavailable. Thus, the durations of the rule of each Hokage are...
Action-packed anime series are a genre of anime that focuses on exciting and thrilling action sequences. These series often feature characters with superhuman abilities, high-speed chases,...
Hey there, fellow otaku! A new My Hero Academia Chapter 403 and a new twist in My Hero Academia has taken us all by surprise. This...
Saturn’s aura emitting from his eyes hits on Bonnie and Sanji. They bleed at their heads, but they stay unhurt. Saturn’s powers are still a mystery...
Dropkick on My Devil! (Official Website). Dropkick on My Devil! announces opening and ending theme song performers for its upcoming TV anime special episode. Apocalypse Arc....
Luffy’s Gear system’s most powerful state is Gear 5. It is one of the most powerful things introduced in Chapter 1043 of the One Piece manga. In Gear...
Despite being born without cursed energy, Maki Zenin became one of the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerers in the world. This was attained through a blend of her...
The epic showdown between Sanji and Elder Saturn is highly anticipated. As we gear up for the epic face-off between the two titans, Sanji and Elder...
Shanks is a complicated character with uncertain reasons for what he does. Nonetheless, Luffy had become Yonko and he waited for him to claim the One...
“My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! The Movie,” also known as “Hamefura: The Movie,” is an eagerly awaited Japanese animated film...